
海角七號 vs. 3歲小孩

當海角七號火紅的時候我是壓根沒想要讓我們家的那兩個小朋友聽或看其中的影片或歌曲的(因為一來我覺得小孩子還小,未必能接受; 二來片中或歌曲的開頭(電影版的DVD)有國罵, 我覺得雖然它也是台灣文話的一環, 但畢竟用詞對小孩子兒言太粗糙了). 一直到姊姊的學校這個月一直播放海角七號的"無樂不作"及 "國境之南", 連音樂課也拿出來教. 所以我們家的姐姐一天到晚在問我海角七號的"無樂不作"及 "國境之南"這兩首歌. 搞得我這個媽媽只好弄來海角七號的歌曲讓姐姐聽. 因為姐姐在學校就已經教過聽到歌會唱不奇怪. 我們家的弟弟在和姊姊隨著音樂狂跳了幾次之後, 他竟然也能唱個3到4成左右~

昨天晚上他這個好小子不知道怎麼了, 清晨 4 點就爬起來晃盪, 還一個人在那邊小聲的哼著"無樂不作"的歌詞. 然後告訴我說: "媽媽~我會唱第10首了耶~" (因為他不知道"無樂不作"這首歌的歌名, 只認得數字, 所以每次想聽這首歌的時候就會一直說:第10首,第10首)

我只能說: 音樂的感染力實在太強了!! ~~還有: 兒子呀~媽媽實在很想睡覺, 請不要在這麼冷的清晨 4 點叫我起來聽你唱歌 ^Q^ ~~

國境之南 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=bOeyvImwdm0

無樂不作 http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=z8OIPluIJOQ


Vienna Teng (史逸欣) 的小小介紹

~Vienna Teng (史逸欣) 的小小介紹~

之前聽到 "Lullaby for a stormy night" 時心裡以為是由一位有點年紀(至少年紀比我大吧~)的外國女生唱的, 後來google完才發現原來她是位Taiwanese 而且年紀還比我小好幾歲呢 !

Vienna Teng 的綠島小夜曲:


~以下是有關Vienna Teng (史逸欣) 的相關介紹~


英文名: Vienna Teng

中文名: 史逸欣 (不知道為什麼她的英文last name是鄧(Teng))

生日: Oct 3rd, 1978

出生地: Saratoga, California, USA

五歲開始學習古典鋼琴,並持續到17歲。最早期的作品完成於高中時期,早期作品大部分收錄於第一張專輯”Waking Hours”中。大學就讀Stanford University,主修Computer Science。2000年畢業後,曾在Cisco Systems工作兩年。2002年與Virt Records簽約,辭去電腦工程師的工作,專心發展音樂事業。2003年曾在David Letterman Show做現場表演。

1. Dreaming Through the Noise (2006) - CD
2. Warm Strangers (2004) - CD
3. Waking Hour (2002) – CD
4. Live at World Cafe Live (2007) – DVD

Vienna Teng (born Cynthia Yih Shih on October 3, 1978) is a Taiwanese American pianist and singer-songwriter based in New York City. Teng has released three studio albums, Waking Hour (2002), Warm Strangers (2004), and Dreaming Through The Noise (2006).Teng's musical style incorporates folk, pop, classical piano, and a cappella influences. She uses piano as her primary instrument and charges her lyrics with emotion, narrative, and personal
history. Teng is a baseline
alto but sings over a wide range




Lullabye For A Stormy Night 暴風雨夜的搖籃曲


~~Lullabye For A Stormy Night 暴風雨夜的搖籃曲~~


little child, be not afraid 孩子,別怕
though rain pounds harshly against the glass

like an unwanted stranger, there is no danger
I am here tonight 今夜我在這兒
little child, be not afraid 孩子,別怕
though thunder explodes and lightning flash

illuminates your tear-stained face 煥發出你臉上的淚水
I am here tonight 今夜我在這兒
and someday you'll know 有朝一日你會知道
that nature is so 那麼的自然
the same rain that draws you near me 相同的雨漸漸把你移向我
falls on rivers and land 降落在河畔和陸地
on forests and sand 降落在森林和沙洲
makes the beautiful world that you'll see
in the morning

little child, be not afraid 孩子,別怕
though storm clouds mask your beloved moon

and its candlelight beams, still keep pleasant dreams
I am here tonight今夜我在這兒

little child, be not afraid 孩子,別怕
though wind makes creatures of our trees

and their branches to hands, they're not real, understand

and I am here tonight 今夜我在這兒
and someday you'll know有朝一日你會知道
that nature is so那麼的自然
the same rain that draws you near me相同的雨漸漸把你移向我
falls on rivers and land降落在河畔和陸地
on forests and sand 降落在森林和沙洲
makes the beautiful world that you'll see
in the morning

for you know, once even I was a little child, and I was afraid
but a gentle someone always came有人也仁慈的來到

to dry all my tears, trade sweet sleep for fears

and to give a kiss goodnight給了我一個晚安的吻
well now I am grown我漸漸長大
and these years have shown that rain's a part of how life goes
but it's dark and it's late很黑暗,很陰鬱
so I'll hold you and wait所以我要握緊我要等待
till your frightened eyes do close直到你閉上害怕的雙眼
and I hope that you'll know我希望你會了解
that nature is so那麼的自然
the same rain that draws you near me相同的雨漸漸把你移向我
falls on rivers and land 降落在河畔和陸地
on forests and sand 降落在森林和沙洲
makes the beautiful world that you'll see
in the morning

everything's fine in the morning清晨每件事都會變好
the rain'll be gone in the morning 清晨雨會消失
but I'll still be here in the morning 清晨我還在這兒


媽媽~ 妳懷我的時候為什麼不吃珍珠粉?

"懷孕" 這件事情, 大概是所有的媽媽最辛苦卻也是最甜密的回憶吧. 記得得知懷老大時因為皮膚變差了, 也可能是自己想一舉得男減輕壓力的心理影響...所以心理自己潛意識裡總想他可能是個男寶寶 (因為這樣就隨便養就好了~開玩笑的啦~因為這樣就較不用擔心他的安危...總覺得女生都是較弱勢的一方...易被欺負....將來也較不用承受生子之苦...). 也或許是新新人類, 較不聽媽媽的叮嚀...所以就覺得懷孕不就是和平常沒兩樣嗎?就照平常吃的就好啦~

知道懷老大之後一來為了"白" 二來心想可補充鈣質, 我是每天下午一瓶牛奶 + 一個麵包的吃 (雖然事後我才知道這樣子吃, 寶寶不吸收所以都是胖在媽媽身上啦)...可是老大生下來以後...就不是白白胖胖的娃娃...還記得婆婆來看過小Baby之後就說: 阿~也是黑黑的, 然後就笑了一下. (意思是~像我先生他們家的膚色啦~) 當時的我真不知是要哭還是要笑 :<...

懷老二時就較認命聽話啦~婆婆媽媽說要吃什麼就乖乖的吃啦~ 所以懷老二時牛奶是幾乎沒喝的,在第7~8個月時吃了珍珠粉及黃蓮+粉光參....老二生下來時是白白胖胖的...真不知這是跟基因遺傳有關係還是真的是和媽媽懷孕時吃什麼有關係.

那天吃晚餐時提起了這一段懷孕趣事, 被女兒聽到了. 所以深受膚色所困擾的她最近一直問我這一句話 : "媽媽~ 妳懷我的時候為什麼不吃珍珠粉呢? " ~只能說: 相同的工廠, 可是製程不同做出來的產品是還會有差異的啦~


~ 分享 ~

...在 BuBu 的花園裡讀到的一段文字 ....與您一起分享........

I had a mother and father who really loved each other, so I know what love is.
I have worked hard to see two teen-agers safely through their traumatic teens, so I know what satisfaction is.
I have prayed. And my prayers have been answered. So I know what faith is.
I have had by my side the kindest, gentlest, most considerate human being I've ever known, so I know what happiness is.
And because I've known all these things . . . I know what wealth is.
